Soak in the hot springs

Visit Hotel Colorado

Stroll through town
Glenwood Springs is a pretty town with a cool downtown area. There are lots of interesting stores and galleries worth checking out as well as an abundance of restaurants and coffee shops. A nice pedestrian bridge takes you from one part of town to the other. If you’re on your way to a ski resort in the area, I recommend stopping for a day in Glenwood Springs to check out its most popular attractions. You won’t be disappointed.
Visit Doc Holliday’s Grave Site

Don’t miss Kid Curry's Grave
While at the cemetery, don’t miss the grave site of another Western figure, outlaw and gunfighter, Kid Curry. Kid Curry’s rise to fame came partly from being part of Butch Cassidy’s notorious Wild Bunch gang. He is buried fairly close to Doc Holliday.

Walk along the River Trail
Glenwood Springs offers a lot of outdoor activities. While many people hike the nearby canyon and mountains, it’s definitely enjoyable to just walk along the river. There are actually two rivers in town: the Roaring Fork and the Colorado. We started our hike at the confluence of the two rivers and continued along the east side of the Roaring Fork. A very pleasant walk.
Have a drink at the Doc Holliday's Saloon

It was certainly a good idea to spend a day in Glenwood Springs before hitting the slopes at some of Colorado’s best ski resorts. If you’re on your way to a ski resort and are driving through here, stop and check it out. I bet you’ll like it.